

Welcome to the www.tonda.pizza website owned by TND International Pte Ltd.

As you visit our site, you will find additional information, images and explanations to supplement and enhance the services and products we offer. The information provided here is original and is owned by TND International Pte Ltd. It is provided is indicative and is not binding.

TND International Pte Ltd reserves the right to change, to provide greater detail, to remove and to add information without any obligation whatsoever to clients and or to visitors to this web-site.

The contents of the pages on the www.tonda.pizza website is the intellectual property of TND International Pte Ltd and may not be copied, removed, downloaded, saved or used in any other way for any reason whatsoever.

While you are visiting the www.tonda.pizza website no personal information on the visitors to the site is collected. Information about our clients and about where they are connecting from is recorded and handled according to the privacy laws in force and is used solely for statistical purposes.

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